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The Secret of the New Creation #15

Open sjanhunen opened 5 years ago

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

We are living in a period of Mystery. Think about the various mysteries in Scripture:

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

Something to keep in mind: when the hour seemed the darkest, the closest encounter with God took place. Think of Moses in the mountain asking to see God's face. Think of the revelation of The Mystery with Israel in blindness.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

To understand what is going on in God's purposes today requires that we understand the "Mysteries" that God has revealed, and in particular, the mystery!

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

People often draw attention to the fact that Revelation has the promise "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand" (Rev 1:3). But one important question to ask: what time was at hand?

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

Ephesians also opens with blessing. This blessing is related to the Mystery of God’s will that He has made known. But this blessing goes back before the foundation and is associated with the heavens. John opens Revelation and identifies Jesus as ruler of the Kings of the earth.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

If the Kingdom of Heaven is about heaven coming down to you to change the earth, the Mystery can be thought of as you being lifted up to Heaven (God's presence). That doesn't mean we are not on the earth. Living in God's presence is what will have the greatest impact on lives and the world around us.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

Think back to Eden: what is the first reference to a Lamb in the Bible? If the skins were available, there must have been a Lamb picked out beforehand by God!

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

The Mystery opens our eyes to something that follows the Millennium. It's a bigger deal than the Kingdom on earth.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

God the Father is making a record of His goodness and grace for all to see at a time that seemed to be littered with failures.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

The Kingdom Relationship of the Old Creation is a precursor to the relationship of the New Creation

In Genesis we find a Lamb as covering of Adam and Eve. In Revelation, we find the Lamb in perfect union with all creation.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

What happens after the NT Kingdom? How many passages in scripture refer to the period of New Heavens and Earth?

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

The New Heavens and New Earth (Rev 21) kicks off something new that corresponds back to Eden more than Sinai. The signs are all evident even in this short chapter:

Redemption and the New Creation are centered around the Lamb. The picture in Eden is a Lamb covering. But in Revelation, it is the Lamb joined together with the redeemed as One.

[1Co 15:28 KJV] 28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

I believe Ephesians looks out even further than Revelation. It is about the new creation in Christ:

[Eph 2:7 KJV] 7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in [his] kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

The cross punctuates the transition between Old Covenant and New Covenant. But it also marks something much more far reaching in the purposes of God. It accomplishes the transition between the old creation and the new creation.