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A defining Kingdom moment #27

Closed sjanhunen closed 5 years ago

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

There is a pivotal moment for each Kingdom Covenant that may even be thought of as the linchpin.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

There is debate within Christianity around the New Covenant. What is it's scope? Who does it include? But are we perhaps blowing this out of proportion and focusing on the wrong things?

The New Covenant is ultimately about the establishment of the true Kingdom on Earth (the one that could never be established under the Old Covenant). Did God include people from all nations within that Kingdom calling? Yes! Under the Old Covenant it was through the law (circumcision was required). Under the New Covenant it was by faith based on the promises going back all the way to Abraham. In each of these purposes God had a preparation and selection process for the "True Israel". For the Old that was Sinai and the wilderness. For the New, I believe that was the Acts period.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

Instead of Acts ending in what may appear to be failure, it is actually the completion of a distinct Kingdom step. God has searched and selected the True Israel. That Nation has been prepared and will be ready when he comes back down the mountain in Revelation!

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

The Question for us now is what is God up to today? Is this preparation and selection process of the True Israel still His focus today? It is entirely possible that the selection and preparation of True Israel was completed.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

Once we realize that the millenium is 1000 years, we can start to realize it is really only temporary. Yes, it may be the best 1000 years the Earth has seen, but it too will come to an end.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

Consider a visual illustration comparing the scale of the Millenium (1,000 years) to the ages to come (1,000,000 years).

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

[Exo 34:10 KJV] 10 And he said, Behold, I make a covenant: before all thy people I will do marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation: and all the people among which thou [art] shall see the work of the LORD: for it [is] a terrible thing that I will do with thee.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

The selection of the faithful at the camp at Sinai is absolutely pivotal to how the later phases play out. It’s not until the banks of the Jordan with the 12 spies that we see more added to the faithful.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

In other words, the Levites were faithful Israel and were “sealed” long before Israel crossed over the Jordan. Other than the young (those under 20 - double check), only the Levites, Joshua, and Caleb made it into the promised land.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

The tribe of Levi was not to be concerned with earthly matters. They were special ministers to God. Could it be that the Blessings of Abraham under the New Covenant find an echo here? In other words, does Levi really play any role in the Battles of Revelation?

It's also important to realize that tribe of Levi in general were not specifically the priests (that belonged to Aaron and his sons). But they had special roles within the Tabernacle.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

See City of Refuge, open to Jew and Gentile:

Significant that they were for someone who had killed someone accidentally.

sjanhunen commented 5 years ago

Israel wasn't numbered until the book of Numbers. It was not until after the covenant was renewed in this mountain between Moses and Jehovah that Israel was numbered. In Revelation 7, we read about faithful Israel being renewed and numbered in the 144,000. This still lies in the future.