a list of open and closed To-Dos:
recover these files from old backups/ reprocess broken files
[x] transfer our Backup from NAS to the HCP, extract it and replace the below-listed file of run
191211_SN737_0487_BCDVUBACXX(transferd) and 190107_SN737_0456_ACCDC1ACXX
[x] KB0046_m_S4_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
path is 025_demultiplex/160315_SN737_0379_AC8NBPACXX/part_1/Keimbahn/
[x] mRJ_366_N_S4_L002_R2_001.fastq.gz (Intermediate step no problem)
path is 025_demultiplex/191211_SN737_0487_BCDVUBACXX/part_2/Maus_Hauer/
[x] KB0046_m_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz(Intermediate step no problem)
path is 026_join_demultiplex/160315_SN737_0379_AC8NBPACXX/Keimbahn/
[x] mRJ_366_N_L002_R2_001.fastq.gz (Intermediate step no problem)
path is 026_join_demultiplex/191211_SN737_0487_BCDVUBACXX/Maus_Hauer/
[x] 060_map/Maus_Hauer/mRJ_318_T.srt.bam(Intermediate step no problem)
a list of open and closed To-Dos: recover these files from old backups/ reprocess broken files