I hope this message finds you well - Mollify (Kloudspeaker) is phenomenal. Great work!
Quick question - we are experiencing issues where Mollify is filling up /tmp on our webservers (Apache + PHP). I tried to change the path in Mollify's configuration.php as follows, but that does not appear to be working (/tmp still filling up):
Hello Sjarvela,
I hope this message finds you well - Mollify (Kloudspeaker) is phenomenal. Great work!
Quick question - we are experiencing issues where Mollify is filling up /tmp on our webservers (Apache + PHP). I tried to change the path in Mollify's configuration.php as follows, but that does not appear to be working (/tmp still filling up):
$CONFIGURATION = array( . . "upload_temp_dir" => "/nfs/user/e/ece/tmp", . . );
Files in /tmp are named like the following:
Mollify55d0e36f04ebd9.63119815zip.eKKTTH Mollify55d0e36f04ebd9.63119815zip.FAkcOO
Are these even upload files filling up /tmp or is there something else going on (like ZIP/UNZIP temp files)?
Thank you in advance for your time and help! -Neil