Enable the following preferences and adjust the HOME PAGE display
Number of schools per row (SCHOOLS_PER_ROW) (default is set to 5)
Number of schools per page (SCHOOLS_PER_PAGE) (default is set to 100)
The value is 1000; The actual number in the database is 88.
The value is 50; the actual number in the database is 88. (50 on first page; 38 on the second page)
Image size (IMAGE_HEIGHT is the preference name; 200 pixels is the default)
(and Width of the image is automatically adjusted based on the IMAGE_HEIGHT)
Enable the following preferences and adjust the HOME PAGE display
Number of schools per row (SCHOOLS_PER_ROW) (default is set to 5) Number of schools per page (SCHOOLS_PER_PAGE) (default is set to 100) The value is 1000; The actual number in the database is 88. The value is 50; the actual number in the database is 88. (50 on first page; 38 on the second page) Image size (IMAGE_HEIGHT is the preference name; 200 pixels is the default) (and Width of the image is automatically adjusted based on the IMAGE_HEIGHT)