sjasthi / quotes

This application manages the quotes and generates several types of puzzles on those quotes.
MIT License
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(Enhancement) Revamp the UI #26

Open sjasthi opened 3 years ago

sjasthi commented 3 years ago

Right now, there is no distinction between Users and Admins.

Everything is visible to everyone.

The UI should be revamped to restrict the access.

Fix the UI as follows.


Admin (1) should show up only if the user logs in and the logged in user is an Admin. Reports (2) and Preferences (3) - these actions are admin actions. So, these should move inside the "Admin" action. See "Scrambler" application for example.

sjasthi commented 3 years ago


And once the ADMIN is clicked, the admin interface will be as follows.


Only "preferences" and "list" are in the scope. Rest of the actions are No-Ops links.