sjb3d / descent

Toy library for neural networks in Rust using Vulkan compute shaders
MIT License
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Trying to create a UNet with descent, but a node is not connected #2

Open apexys opened 1 year ago

apexys commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've been trying to extend descent to be able to create a U-Net (as in with it.

A U-Net ist basically a bunch of convolutional layers that get concatenated with previous versions of their input.

I implemented the following two new operations in


pub fn upsample(self, x_grow_factor: usize, y_grow_factor: usize) -> Self{
    let (a, da) = self.into_inner();
    let input_shape = a.shape();
    assert_eq!(input_shape.len(), 4);
    assert_eq!(a.shape(), da.shape());
    let a_reshaped = a.reshape([input_shape[0], input_shape[1], 1, input_shape[2], 1, input_shape[3]]);
    let da_reshaped = da.reshape([input_shape[0], input_shape[1], 1, input_shape[2], 1, input_shape[3]]);
    let a_broadcasted = a_reshaped.broadcast([input_shape[0], input_shape[1], y_grow_factor, input_shape[2], x_grow_factor, input_shape[3]]);
    let da_broadcasted = da_reshaped.broadcast([input_shape[0], input_shape[1], y_grow_factor, input_shape[2], x_grow_factor, input_shape[3]]);
    let mut output_shape = input_shape;
    output_shape[2] *= y_grow_factor;
    output_shape[1] *= x_grow_factor;
    let a_backshaped = a_broadcasted.reshape(output_shape);
    let da_backshaped = da_broadcasted.reshape(output_shape);
    (a_backshaped, da_backshaped).into()


pub fn crop(self, left: usize, top: usize, right: usize, bottom: usize) -> Self{
    let (a, da) = self.into_inner();

    let input_shape = a.shape();
    assert_eq!(input_shape.len(), 4);

    let mut input_offsets: TinyVec<[isize; MAX_DIM]> = std::iter::repeat(0).take(input_shape.len()).collect();
    input_offsets[1] = top as isize;
    input_offsets[2] = left as isize;

    let mut output_shape = input_shape;
    output_shape[1] -= top + bottom;
    output_shape[2] -= left + right;

    let view = View{
        input_shape: a.shape(),
        output_mapping: (0..input_shape.len()).map(|i| input_shape.identity_mapping(Axis::from_index(i))).collect(),

    let b = a.view(view);
    let db = da.view(view);
    (b, db).into()

The U-Net is then created as a recursive struct, where each layer just applies two Conv-Operations and if it's not the innermost layer, also a cropped and upsampled version of the inner layer, which is then concatenated to the output and goes through another double convolution.

Here's just the execution part, full code is at

fn eval<'s>(&self, input: DualArray<'s>, ctx: &EvalContext) -> DualArray<'s> {
    let x = input.apply(&self.conv1, ctx);
    let x = x.apply(&self.conv2, ctx);
    let x = if let Some((pool, inner)) = self.inner.as_ref() {
        let [_, h_outer, w_outer, _]: [usize; 4] = x.shape().try_into().unwrap();

        let x_inner = x.apply(pool, ctx);
        let x_inner = inner.eval(x_inner, ctx);
        let [_, h_inner, w_inner, _]: [usize; 4] = x_inner.shape().try_into().unwrap();
        let x_inner = x_inner.upsample(
        let [_, h_inner, w_inner, _]: [usize; 4] = x_inner.shape().try_into().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(h_inner, w_inner);
        let left = (w_inner - w_outer) / 2;
        let right = (w_inner - w_outer) - left;
        let top = (h_inner - h_outer) / 2;
        let bottom = (h_inner - h_outer) - top;
        let x_inner = x_inner.crop(
            left, top, right, bottom
        x.concat(x_inner, -1)
    } else {
    let x = x.apply(&self.conv3, ctx);
    let x = x.apply(&self.conv4, ctx);

When I create the graph as in I run into the following problem:

Somewhere in the creation of the graph, a Mov-Operation is created, but no inputs are connected to it.

I've added logging after every stage of the optimization process, but the error seems to be there from the start (see the upper right Node n295 in

I've also tried isolating the problem and it seems that my upsample and crop operations are "fine", at least I couldn't get the error to show up with just them, but they might still cause problems further down the line.

Do you have an idea of what might cause this?

Thank you for your help!

sjb3d commented 1 year ago

Hi, happy to see that the code is useful for experimentation!

I've not tried debugging the above, but I think the DualArray upsample/crop functions above don't quite follow the flow I'd expect.

Using instances of a DualArray is designed to be simple, but implementing an operation on DualArray is a bit odd:

As such I'd expect the implementation of a DualArray operation to have the following pattern:

There is a bit more of an explanation of this API at, and hopefully the existing implementations of e.g. sin or tanh on DualArray are useful as reference!

apexys commented 1 year ago

Ah, that makes more sense than what I did! Thank you for the explanation!

I've rewritten cropping and upsampling.

In cropping, for the reverse path, we need to pad the incoming gradient with zeroes to make it fit with the existing one.

pub fn crop(self, left: usize, top: usize, right: usize, bottom: usize) -> Self{
    let (a, da) = self.into_inner();

    let input_shape = a.shape();
    assert_eq!(input_shape.len(), 4);

    //Compute crop shape
    let mut input_offsets: TinyVec<[isize; MAX_DIM]> = std::iter::repeat(0).take(input_shape.len()).collect();
    input_offsets[1] = top as isize;
    input_offsets[2] = left as isize;

    let mut output_shape = input_shape;
    output_shape[1] -= top + bottom;
    output_shape[2] -= left + right;

    //Crop input to shape
    let view = View{
        input_shape: a.shape(),
        output_mapping: (0..input_shape.len()).map(|i| input_shape.identity_mapping(Axis::from_index(i))).collect(),
    let (b, db) = a.view(view).with_empty_grad();

    //We also need to pad the gradient by the crop we just did
    let padded = db.pad(1, top, bottom).pad(2, left, right);

    (b, db).into()

In upsampling, we need to shrink the gradient in X and Y by just summing the incoming window of the same size as our upsampling factor. We could do this through a convolution with the channels set exactly, but I found the reduce_sum-function and copied some code from the max_pool2d-function to use that to implement "sum-pooling".

pub fn upsample(self, x_grow_factor: usize, y_grow_factor: usize) -> Self{
    let (a, da) = self.into_inner();
    let input_shape = a.shape();
    assert_eq!(input_shape.len(), 4);
    let a_reshaped = a.reshape([input_shape[0], input_shape[1], 1, input_shape[2], 1, input_shape[3]]);
    let a_broadcasted = a_reshaped.broadcast([input_shape[0], input_shape[1], y_grow_factor, input_shape[2], x_grow_factor, input_shape[3]]);
    let mut output_shape = input_shape;
    output_shape[2] *= x_grow_factor;
    output_shape[1] *= y_grow_factor;
    let a_backshaped = a_broadcasted.reshape(output_shape);
    let (b, db) = a_backshaped.with_empty_grad();
    //We need to add all pixels we upsampled into the pixel they came from
    //We can do this through sum-pooling with stride
    //Following code basically copied from the max-pooling implementation
    let windows = db.image_to_windows((y_grow_factor, x_grow_factor), (y_grow_factor, x_grow_factor), 1);
    let [m, output_h, output_w, groups, filter_h, filter_w, group_nc]: [usize; 7] =

    let summed = windows
            m * output_h * output_w * groups,
            filter_h * filter_w,
        .reduce_sum(1, true)
        .reshape([m, output_h, output_w, groups * group_nc]);


    (b, db).into()

I think the gradients look better now. The example compiles and I get a training loss. Now I need to build a slightly bigger example to see if it actually learns something or whether I've gotten something wrong in the gradient!

sjb3d commented 1 year ago

Nice, these updated functions look good to me, glad that the resulting graph compiles to working compute shaders! Good luck for the rest of your project! :)

apexys commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much for your help! If you'd like I can prepare a pull request with the two methods and an example using it for image colorization as in


apexys commented 1 year ago

There was still one problem with the gradient: I didn't look into whether the existing padding was same padding and that caused problems when the gradient got small.

I wrote my own, probably horribly inefficient zero padding method and it seems to be more stable:

At the same time, I'm getting these weird spikes when plotting loss over training generation, so maybe something is still broken? grafik

sjb3d commented 1 year ago

Hi, the existing padding code is implementing same padding. This is really just for simplicity, since it means just clamping the input indices when reading values from arrays).

For same padding the gradient of each input value will accumulate gradients for all the outputs that is gets broadcast to (since same padding causes edge values to get broadcast to multiple outputs). There are a few tests (search for "#[test]") that check values and gradients for simple examples.

That loss graph looks a bit odd for sure! This stuff is unfortunately quite tricky to debug, personally I found just testing each Array op in isolation with known results was enough to get the networks I tried working, but certainly there still could be some bugs in there!