sjbach / lusty

LustyExplorer / LustyJuggler for Vim
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Juggler: Buffers do not disappear #18

Closed dathinaios closed 13 years ago

dathinaios commented 13 years ago

After deleting a buffer with :bd I can still see it between the ones displayed with Lusty Juggler.

sjbach commented 13 years ago

What buffer in particular is it that isn't getting removed from the list with :bd?

dathinaios commented 13 years ago

I was just using it now and I loaded many files that I could see using :ls but they would not appear in juggler. Similarly when I deleted them all I was left with an empty buffer that I did not create. Finally I had occurrences in which I was deleting buffers but they stayed there as I am saying in the main issue.

I am new to vim so I start getting the feeling that I am doing something wrong on my side, or I do not understand something about buffers. Sorry if that is the case. Shouldn't juggler have the same contents as :ls ?

dathinaios commented 13 years ago

Ok, more precise at the moment I have two help buffers open: windows.txt and editing.txt and also an <unkown 17> and an <unknown 11>. For all this I had done :bd to all except 17 and indeed :ls shows only 17.

sjbach commented 13 years ago

Should be fixed in [29da037].