sjbach / lusty

LustyExplorer / LustyJuggler for Vim
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LustyJugglerCancel inserted when pressing escape #45

Closed mutewinter closed 12 years ago

mutewinter commented 13 years ago

I'm experiencing a bug very similar to #39. Here's how it happens:

  1. Switch to a window split using a custom binding (nmap <silent> <C-j> :wincmd j<CR>)
  2. Enter insert mode
  3. Press escape to exit insert mode
  4. The text :call <SNR>59_LustyJugglerCancel() is inserted every time I press escape

I have commented out the line of code that binds escape to LustyJugglerCancel to try to alleviate the problem for now.

I am running Vim 7.3p198 for Windows with Lusty Juggler 1.3.

mutewinter commented 13 years ago

This also happens with backspace. Removing the bindings causing me problems does work is a temporary fix.

sjbach commented 12 years ago

Hopefully fixed now.