sjbach / lusty

LustyExplorer / LustyJuggler for Vim
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Don't hardcode the shortcuts #54

Closed suy closed 12 years ago

suy commented 12 years ago


First things first: thanks a lot for your lusty plugins. Juggler is 99% what I was looking for. It's a very clever way to switch buffers. I still have to get used to explorer, though.

My only issue with both plugins is that they hardcode the key combinations, and they partly intefere with l that I was already using.

I hope that you can fix this somehow. I'm completely new to vimscript, so I don't dare to offer a patch yet.

sjbach commented 12 years ago


ggustafsson added the following functionality:

let g:LustyExplorerDefaultMappings = 0
let g:LustyJugglerDefaultMappings = 0

Putting these lines in your .vimrc will keep the plugins from setting the default mappings.

suy commented 12 years ago

Thank you!