sjbach / lusty

LustyExplorer / LustyJuggler for Vim
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Lusty Explorer doesn't like ÅÄÖ #57

Open ggustafsson opened 12 years ago

ggustafsson commented 12 years ago

I can't enter åäö characters when trying to create new file with under Lusty Explorer.

I also can't see åäö characters in filenames. A file named testkörning.txt would be displayed as testkorning.txt.

I'm running latest MacVim. Got up to date Ruby too but i would guess Vim will use the default version that comes with OS X Lion instead of the one i've installed through Homebrew. I'm not sure how Vim + Ruby works.

ggustafsson commented 9 years ago

If anyone cares i know why åäö etc in filenames cannot be displayed. It's because HFS+ is old crap and doesn't use Unicode in filenames the way you expect it to. Lusty got nothing to do with it and it will solve itself once Apple starts rolling out a modern filesystem. Maybe it will be solved if i come back to this page three years later one more time ;)

Why you can't type åäö in Lusty is however very weird but i guess it is related somehow.