sjbach / lusty

LustyExplorer / LustyJuggler for Vim
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Conflicts with vim-yankstack and YankRing #77

Closed kshenoy closed 6 years ago

kshenoy commented 12 years ago

The commands d and s (maybe others, but this is all I know so far) stop working as expected after LustyJuggler is invoked. Some commands like d0, d$ etc. work fine but dd doesn't work at all. I'm seeing this problem only when I use LustyJuggler along with Yankstack or YankRing(

I think it may be due to conflicting mappings (or function calls) but I could be wrong.

sjbach commented 6 years ago

I think/hope this was fixed in be929b3c6edb8e7c059d1e44849fcf0db325e48d.