sje30 / Julialang-CATAM

Developing Julia language resources for CATAM
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Meeting 1: getting started! #1

Open sje30 opened 4 years ago

sje30 commented 4 years ago

What would we like to cover in meeting 1:

13th November 2019, 13:00-14:30 MR15 (TBC)

sje30 commented 4 years ago

Notes from meeting:

SJE to write overview - logistic

FX conditionals control

Nick - plots() and pyplot()

Tom - annotationg code, handling files, linting

other topics

Working with vectors and matrices

Multiple discpatch


intro to computational complexitiy

numerical issues (underflow / epsilon / propagation of errosr)


discrete math stuff

getting help / debugging

working at the repl


packages / precompiling

How Julia compares to other languages

Random numbers: from rand() to Distributions

Numerical integration / ODE solvers()

keep records of hours

book mr15

email list. add collabs to github (DONE)

sje30 commented 4 years ago

I've made a stab at a first go at introduction