sjevelazco / flexsdm

Useful tools for constructing species distribution models
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New functions and function improvements #55

Open sjevelazco opened 3 years ago

sjevelazco commented 3 years ago

New Functions

  • [ ] Explore variable selection based on univariate model performance, see Oeser et al., 2024
  • [ ] New function to calculate inform user about the last update made in repository.
  • [ ] New function to calculate variable importance. @mrose048
  • [ ] New function to perform null models. @AdmirJr @sjevelazco
  • [ ] New function or adapt sample_background or pseudo-absences function to perform stratified sampling @iminoli-dev
  • [ ] New function to calculate range change/exposure based on continuous or binary maps and can produce an output with corresponding emissions/ssp and gcm and algorithm @mrose048
  • [ ] New function to calculate ensemble of different GCM for different SSP @sjevelazco (use this function in the new vignette)
  • [ ] New function to perform ensemble of ESM. @sjevelazco
  • [x] New function to select occurrences filtered with several values (occfilt_env and occfilt_geo) and return the best based on Velazco et al 2020 approach. @sjevelazco

Addapt implemented functions


flee598 commented 10 months ago

Hi, first, thank you for the fantastic package, I am finding it very useful! I came here to request/suggest the addition of a function to calculate variable importance, I see it is already on the list above, so I just wanted to say thank you put my vote towards such a function. Cheers, Finn.