sjh37 / EntityFramework-Reverse-POCO-Code-First-Generator

EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator - Beautifully generated code that is fully customisable. This generator creates code as if you reverse engineered a database and lovingly created the code by hand. It is free to academics (you need a .edu or a .ac email address), not free for commercial use. Obtain your licence from
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Optional Parameters in Stored Procs #774

Closed NeilN1 closed 1 year ago

NeilN1 commented 1 year ago

Not sure if I can do this so asking here. Stored proc modifications are a regular thing and sometimes new arguments are added as optional so existing code can run unmodified. The stored proc:

CREATE PROC [dbo].[usp_ReferralGet](
    @fromDate DATETIME = NULL,
    @toDate DATETIME = NULL)


Task<List<UspReferralGetReturnModel>> UspReferralGetAsync(
    Guid? referralId,
    Guid? contactId,
    DateTime? fromDate,
    DateTime? toDate);

This means any call to that interface method has to change to explicitly pass all newly added arguments.

Is there a way to generate default values for arguments, so something like this is produced?

Task<List<UspReferralGetReturnModel>> UspReferralGetAsync(
    Guid? referralId = null,
    Guid? contactId = null,
    DateTime? fromDate = null,
    DateTime? toDate = null);
sjh37 commented 1 year ago

Omg, I can't believe I've never added that functionality before. Thanks @NeilN1 I'll get that added.

NeilN1 commented 1 year ago

Hi @sjh37 - is there any targeted implementation date for this?

sjh37 commented 1 year ago

@NeilN1 I can have it done for you today

Each stored procedure gets two versions, one with and one without the procResult.

public List<SalesByYearReturnModel> SalesByYear(DateTime? beginningDate, DateTime? endingDate)
    int procResult;
    return SalesByYear(beginningDate, endingDate, out procResult);

public List<SalesByYearReturnModel> SalesByYear(DateTime? beginningDate, DateTime? endingDate, out int procResult)
    // Call SP


If I change a stored proc to include nulls:

public List<SalesByYearReturnModel> SalesByYear(DateTime? beginningDate = null, DateTime? endingDate = null)

public List<SalesByYearReturnModel> SalesByYear(
    DateTime? beginningDate = null,
    DateTime? endingDate = null,
    out int procResult) // <<<--- illegal, and cannot supply default value for `out` parameters

The second call, which includes a procResult, cannot be at the end of the optional parameters. It must be at the beginning:

public List<SalesByYearReturnModel> SalesByYear(
    out int procResult,
    DateTime? beginningDate = null,
    DateTime? endingDate = null)

Which would change its signature.

I'll make the change as it's a reasonable request and only hits people who will upgrade their code base to the latest version and call the SP version with the out parameter. If they only call the first signature (without the out parameter) they will have no code changes.

sjh37 commented 1 year ago

The above commit works for EF Core 7. I'll add support to add EF 6, EF Core 2 - 6.

sjh37 commented 1 year ago

Ran into a few issues during testing, such as

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ThisHasMixedOutParameters
    @FirstOutParam INT OUT,
    @SecondOutParam INT OUT,
    INSERT INTO TableA (TableADesc) VALUES ('Test');

    SET @FirstOutParam = @@IDENTITY;
    SET @SecondOutParam = SCOPE_IDENTITY();

Which created

public int ThisHasMixedOutParameters(
    DateTime? foo = null,
    out int? firstOutParam,
    DateTime? bar = null,
    out int? secondOutParam,
    DateTime? baz = null)
{ ... }

The best solution is to make only the last parameters nullable after any out or non-nullable parameters.

sjh37 commented 1 year ago

This has now been completed and will be in the next release

sjh37 commented 1 year ago

Released in v3.8.1