sjkp / letsencrypt-azure

The easiest way to use lets encrypt certificates on Azure
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Old Certificate Cleanup > 800 certificates causes acquiring new ones to fail #29

Open DanielStout5 opened 3 years ago

DanielStout5 commented 3 years ago

We sometimes get this error:

Creating the resource of type 'Microsoft.Web/certificates' would exceed the quota of '800' resources of type 'Microsoft.Web/certificates' per resource group. The current resource count is '800', please delete some resources of this type before creating a new one.

It seems that the site extension doesn't delete the old expired certificates.

We run this command periodically to delete the old expired certificates:

$certs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/certificates -ExpandProperties
foreach ($cert in $certs)
if((get-date $cert.Properties.expirationDate) -le (Get-Date) )
Remove-AzResource -ResourceId $cert.ResourceId -Verbose -Confirm:$false -Force

But it would be nice if that kind of cleanup was included in the site extension somehow

micheltriana commented 3 years ago

Hi @DanielStout5, how/where do you run this script against Azure? I tried running it in the Azure Cloud Shell, and didn't run without lots of mods and additional params, and even then, we are getting a "UnsupportedResourceOperation : The resource type 'certificates' does not support this operation.". How are you running this script? Thanks!

stevesinchak commented 2 years ago

@micheltriana you have to build this into a powershell script. Here is my adaptation of the code above:

First the prerequisits:

Install-Module -Name Az -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Next, the actual ps1 script:

Import-Module Az.Resources


Set-AzContext -Subscription "<your subscription guid>" 

$certs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/certificates -ExpandProperties
foreach ($cert in $certs)
    if((get-date $cert.Properties.expirationDate) -le (Get-Date) )

    Remove-AzResource -ResourceId $cert.ResourceId -Verbose -Confirm:$false -Force

The process is kind of slow, it will take a while to delete all the old expired certs. Would be nice if this is cleaned up when a cert is renewed.