sjl / badwolf

A Vim color scheme.
MIT License
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iTerm Colors #4

Closed rainerborene closed 11 years ago

rainerborene commented 12 years ago

It would be great If you share your iTerm color scheme somewhere.

sjl commented 12 years ago

Yeah, I'm still tweaking it to get something I like, but once I finish that I'll definitely add it to the repo.

On 03/16, Rainer Borene wrote:

It would be great If you share your iTerm color scheme somewhere.

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Steve Losh

purem commented 12 years ago

I concur. Any chance of you adding what you have so far? Really great colour scheme.

jassinm commented 12 years ago


sjl commented 12 years ago

So I tried having a matching colorscheme for a while, but I didn't like it and gave up before putting too much work into it. I like being able to tell Vim apart from other terminal splits. If someone else wants to port it and send a pull request to add it into contrib/ I'd accept it.

rainerborene commented 11 years ago

@sjl Could you export your current colors and commit it? It's a starting point.

greduan commented 11 years ago

@sjl What @rainerborene said. I love Bad Wolf but I only use Vim in the terminal, so I can't use Bad Wolf. :(

cadusk commented 11 years ago

I might have missed the point in this conversation, but I'm pretty sure badwolf works in Vim from terminal just like in gui.

Just make sure you have your terminal setup to support 256 colors and vimrc accordingly.

On a Mac, I would set my iTerm Terminal Profile "Terminal Type" to "xterm-256color". I'd also include this on vimrc: if $TERM == "xterm-256color" || $TERM == "screen-256color" set t_Co=256 endif

That's it.

Not sure you're talking about badwolf in vim from terminal or actual terminal colors itself, even tough this may help.

greduan commented 11 years ago

@cadusk The thing is, as I understand it, in terminals all Vim does is point to certain colors in the terminal scheme, while in the GUI it defines the colors and tells the GUI to output them. That's how I understand it at least.

So if you want to use a certain colorscheme in the terminal, the terminal needs to be using the same theme.

sjl commented 11 years ago

@Greduan Okay hold on, there are two discussions happening here.

In modern terminals (e.g.: iTerm2) there are two main "sets" of colors.

The first is a set of 16 basic "ANSI colors". Simple stuff like ls and such uses these, and you configure them in your terminal's preferences:

iterm ansi colors

This ticket is about creating a set of those 16 colors that fit well with the bad wolf color scheme, which I still need to get around to. That way ls and your prompt and such will fee Bad Wolfy.

Now, the second set of colors is the full 256 colors that more modern terminals support. The first 16 are taken up by the basic colors, but all the rest are not configurable (usually) and should look the same no matter what you've set the first 16 to look like in your prefs:

265 colors

The third set of colors relevant to this discussion is the colors that a Vim GUI supports, which is any color you can define with an HTML-style 3 byte RGB code. So: a whole lot.

Bad Wolf was designed for Vim. In the GUI, it uses the HTML-style color codes to get exactly the colors it wants.

When you use Bad Wolf in a terminal Vim, it will use the 256 color codes so that it will look (approximately) correct regardless of whatever you have the first 16 set to. You do need to tell Vim that your terminal supports 256 colors as @cadusk said.

FWIW I use Vim exclusively in the terminal with Bad Wolf every day.

greduan commented 11 years ago

@sjl Well you just taught me something important. Wow. I can't believe I didn't know what.

All right so after checking why it wouldn't output colors correctly I figured it out. Didn't install it (/facepalm). I added it to my install script but I didn't install it.

So problem solved, and I learned something new. Still would love to see that iTerm color scheme though. ;)

rainerborene commented 11 years ago

@sjl thanks for the screenshot. Badwolf.itermcolors