sjmgarnier / viridis

Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R
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test harness + some extras #42

Closed hrbrmstr closed 7 years ago

hrbrmstr commented 7 years ago

it occurs to me this will fail remotely (on Travis) due to the new formals for the viridis palettes. it runs fine on my macOS host and linux VMs and I submitted it to winbuilder (email will go to Simon).

I think the tests are sufficient (tho I just saw out of the corner of my eye that I did not visually test scale_color_viridis - ARGH).

Folks shld take a look at the test harness and see if it needs tweaking.

Again, the travis and covr hrbrmstr refs shld be switched to sjmgarnier (just need to wire them up to accounts on the various testing services)