sjmgarnier / viridis

Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R
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New palettes mako, rocket, turbo (CVD?) #77

Open modche opened 3 years ago

modche commented 3 years ago

Hi there, nice package, nice color maps! I also appreciated the update with the nice palettes mako and rocket. However, perhaps it would be good to comment on turbo a little bit more: Is this colormap considered to be perceptually uniform and therefore recommended? As far as I can judge this the lightness gradient of turbo is a) not linear and b) has different slopes on both edges.

Would be good to have a statement on turbo, e.g., for people with CVD.

Thanks a lot. Michael

sjmgarnier commented 3 years ago

@modche This is a good point. The info is there in ? (see the description and the link in reference), but we could make it more prominent in the next update. I'll keep this issue open as a reminder.

modche commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks. Yes, would be good to have this more prominent. Perhaps it is possible to show the lightness gradients such as shown on

sjmgarnier commented 3 years ago

@modche That shouldn't be too difficult. I don't know when the next CRAN update will be (the package has so many reverse dependencies now, it's a pain to prepare CRAN updates), but I can try to add that in the dev version as soon as work gives me an opportunity. Or if you have time to prepare a PR for the dev branch, I can review it once it's ready.

modche commented 3 years ago

Perhaps there is a misunderstanding, sorry. I suggest to have on the github page and also directly in the package help files a comment on potential issues of the turbo color map. However, it is possible to analyze the color maps with the colorsapce package. 2