sjmoran / CURL

Code for the ICPR 2020 paper: "CURL: Neural Curve Layers for Image Enhancement"
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Codes and trained models for RGB image pairs #3

Closed hermosayhl closed 4 years ago

hermosayhl commented 4 years ago


All the codes and trained models I modified are located here: CURL_for_RGB_images. The is really necessary to read.


The dataset I use is avaliable at: extract code: 0212 If not convenient, extra link: Factually, the dataset is made from the original Adobe MIT-FiveK datasets and please look up

@inproceedings{fivek, author = "Vladimir Bychkovsky and Sylvain Paris and Eric Chan and Fr{\'e}do Durand", title = "Learning Photographic Global Tonal Adjustment with a Database of Input / Output Image Pairs", booktitle = "The Twenty-Fourth IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", year = "2011" }

If copyright infringement, please contact me to delete the link.


MIT-FiveK datasets; ExpertC; 1-4500 for training and 4501-5000 for testing; Resized to max edge of 512px. After 30 epoches of training, testing PSNR reaches 25.09db and SSIM reaches 0.9. Listed below are some results: image

sjmoran commented 4 years ago

Thank you hermosayhl!

McFly-Jia commented 2 years ago

Thank you hermosayhl! Is the data you use in PNG format or JPG format? Can you release the link of the RGB data you use?