sjoeboo / docker-yum-mirror

Make yum mirrors via a docker container
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More error logging #1

Open snoby opened 8 years ago

snoby commented 8 years ago

Hi, Attempting to run this and seems there is a problem with the rsync command. Perhaps it's a permission with the destination? Not sure still digging in. However some more debug messages would be helpful:

[root@1d1ee6e37f3d /]# ruby yum_mirror.rb
Now syncing os
Setting destination to /mirror/centos-7-x86_64/os
Error starting client-server protocol
Now syncing updates
Setting destination to /mirror/centos-7-x86_64/updates
Error starting client-server protocol
Now syncing epel
Setting destination to /mirror/centos-7-x86_64/epel
Syncing done!
Running hardlink on /mirror
sjoeboo commented 8 years ago

first of all, awesome you wanted to use this!

Totally agree more useful errors could/should bubble up to the user. I'm a bit busy and transitioning between jobs at the moment, but hopefully can get to it soon.

Of course, PR's are very welcome!