Open sjoerdk opened 2 months ago
Sent this question to NEMA via Waiting for reply
People from replied. The update schedule for the website is around 5 times per year. Table E.1-1 is only updated when mandated by specific change proposals.
Asked whether there is a machine-readable version of table E.1-1
Got response that an xml version of table E.1-1 exists: view-source:
Potentially use this for updates in the future
Found out some more. This file contains most of the needed information to create a minimal set of tags per DICOM type:
In here, you need to find the right IOD. For MR this would be this one:
This IOD specifies different modules. Select the Mandatory ones (marked M
Each of these modules is described in more detail in pages like this:
In these tables you need to select the type 1
tags. These are the mandatory ones, as described here
Possibly write a parser for this whole circus to generate a list of tags for a SOPInstanceUID. Then you can add this to dicomrake or wherever you want.
Follow up to #135
idiscore tag processing is based on information from NEMA in table E.1-1 on
The assumption that these pages are static turns out te be false. Find out how often these updates happen to make sure idiscore stays up to date.