sjoerdk / idiscore

Deidentification of DICOM images using Attribute Confidentiality Profiles
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 33 #60

Closed pyup-bot closed 3 years ago

pyup-bot commented 3 years ago

Update sphinx from 3.5.4 to 4.1.2.

Changelog ### 4.1.2 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 9435: linkcheck: Disable checking automatically generated anchors on (ex. anchors in reST/Markdown documents) Bugs fixed ---------- * 9489: autodoc: Custom types using ``typing.NewType`` are not displayed well with the HEAD of 3.10 * 9490: autodoc: Some objects under ``typing`` module are not displayed well with the HEAD of 3.10 * 9436, 9471: autodoc: crashed if ``autodoc_class_signature = "separated"`` * 9456: html search: html_copy_source can't control the search summaries * 9435: linkcheck: Failed to check anchors in ``` ### 4.1.1 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ * 9434: sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.0.0 or above * 9434: sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.5 or above Bugs fixed ---------- * 9438: html: HTML logo or Favicon specified as file not being found on output ``` ### 4.1.0 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ * Support jinja2-3.0 Deprecated ---------- * The ``app`` argument of ``sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment`` becomes required * ``sphinx.application.Sphinx.html_theme`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary._app`` * ``sphinx.util.docstrings.extract_metadata()`` Features added -------------- * 8107: autodoc: Add ``class-doc-from`` option to :rst:dir:`autoclass` directive to control the content of the specific class like :confval:`autoclass_content` * 8588: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_type_aliases` now supports dotted name. It allows you to define an alias for a class with module name like ```` * 9175: autodoc: Special member is not documented in the module * 9195: autodoc: The arguments of ``typing.Literal`` are wrongly rendered * 9185: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_typehints` allows ``'both'`` setting to allow typehints to be included both in the signature and description * 4257: autodoc: Add :confval:`autodoc_class_signature` to separate the class entry and the definition of ``__init__()`` method * 8061, 9218: autodoc: Support variable comment for alias classes * 3014: autodoc: Add :event:`autodoc-process-bases` to modify the base classes of the class definitions * 9272: autodoc: Render enum values for the default argument value better * 9384: autodoc: ``autodoc_typehints='none'`` now erases typehints for variables, attributes and properties * 3257: autosummary: Support instance attributes for classes * 9358: html: Add "heading" role to the toctree items * 9225: html: Add span tag to the return typehint of method/function * 9129: html search: Show search summaries when html_copy_source = False * 9307: html search: Prevent corrections and completions in search field * 9120: html theme: Eliminate prompt characters of code-block from copyable text * 9176: i18n: Emit a debug message if message catalog file not found under :confval:`locale_dirs` * 9414: LaTeX: Add xeCJKVerbAddon to default fvset config for Chinese documents * 9016: linkcheck: Support checking anchors on * 9016: linkcheck: Add a new event :event:`linkcheck-process-uri` to modify URIs before checking hyperlinks * 6525: linkcheck: Add :confval:`linkcheck_allowed_redirects` to mark hyperlinks that are redirected to expected URLs as "working" * 1874: py domain: Support union types using ``|`` in info-field-list * 9268: py domain: :confval:`python_use_unqualified_type_names` supports type field in info-field-list * 9097: Optimize the parallel build * 9131: Add :confval:`nitpick_ignore_regex` to ignore nitpicky warnings using regular expressions * 9174: Add ``Sphinx.set_html_assets_policy`` to tell extensions to include HTML assets in all the pages. Extensions can check this via ``Sphinx.registry.html_assets_policy`` * C++, add support for - ``inline`` variables, - ``consteval`` functions, - ``constinit`` variables, - ``char8_t``, - ``explicit(<constant expression>)`` specifier, - digit separators in literals, and - constraints in placeholder type specifiers, aka. adjective syntax (e.g., ``Sortable auto &v``). * C, add support for digit separators in literals. * 9166: LaTeX: support containers in LaTeX output Bugs fixed ---------- * 8872: autodoc: stacked singledispatches are wrongly rendered * 8597: autodoc: a docsting having metadata only should be treated as undocumented * 9185: autodoc: typehints for overloaded functions and methods are inaccurate * 9250: autodoc: The inherited method not having docstring is wrongly parsed * 9283: autodoc: autoattribute directive failed to generate document for an attribute not having any comment * 9364: autodoc: single element tuple on the default argument value is wrongly rendered * 9362: autodoc: AttributeError is raised on processing a subclass of Tuple[()] * 9404: autodoc: TypeError is raised on processing dict-like object (not a class) via autoclass directive * 9317: html: Pushing left key causes visiting the next page at the first page * 9381: html: URL for html_favicon and html_log does not work * 9270: html theme : pyramid theme generates incorrect logo links * 9217: manpage: The name of manpage directory that is generated by :confval:`man_make_section_directory` is not correct * 9350: manpage: Fix font isn't reset after keyword at the top of samp role * 9306: Linkcheck reports broken link when remote server closes the connection on HEAD request * 9280: py domain: "exceptions" module is not displayed * 9418: py domain: a Callable annotation with no parameters (e.g. ``Callable[[], None])`` will be rendered with a bracket missing (``Callable[], None]``) * 9319: quickstart: Make sphinx-quickstart exit when already exists * 9387: xml: XML Builder ignores custom visitors * 9224: ``:param:`` and ``:type:`` fields does not support a type containing whitespace (ex. ``Dict[str, str]``) * 8945: when transforming typed fields, call the specified role instead of making an single xref. For C and C++, use the ``expr`` role for typed fields. ``` ### 4.0.3 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * C, add C23 keywords ``_Decimal32``, ``_Decimal64``, and ``_Decimal128``. * 9354: C, add :confval:`c_extra_keywords` to allow user-defined keywords during parsing. * Revert the removal of ``sphinx.util:force_decode()`` to become some 3rd party extensions available again during 5.0 Bugs fixed ---------- * 9330: changeset domain: :rst:dir:`versionchanged` with contents being a list will cause error during pdf build * 9313: LaTeX: complex table with merged cells broken since 4.0 * 9305: LaTeX: backslash may cause Improper discretionary list pdf build error with Japanese engines * 9354: C, remove special macro names from the keyword list. See also :confval:`c_extra_keywords`. * 9322: KeyError is raised on PropagateDescDomain transform ``` ### 4.0.2 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ * 9216: Support jinja2-3.0 Incompatible changes -------------------- * 9222: Update Underscore.js to 1.13.1 * 9217: manpage: Stop creating a section directory on build manpage by default (see :confval:`man_make_section_directory`) Bugs fixed ---------- * 9210: viewcode: crashed if non importable modules found on parallel build * 9240: Unknown node error for pending_xref_condition is raised if an extension that does not support the node installs a missing-reference handler ``` ### 4.0.1 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 9189: autodoc: crashed when ValueError is raised on generating signature from a property of the class * 9188: autosummary: warning is emitted if list value is set to autosummary_generate * 8380: html search: tags for search result are broken * 9198: i18n: Babel emits errors when running compile_catalog * 9205: py domain: The :canonical: option causes "more than one target for cross-reference" warning * 9201: websupport: UndefinedError is raised: 'css_tag' is undefined ``` ### 4.0.0 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ ``` ### 4.0.0b3 ``` * 9167: html: Failed to add CSS files to the specific page ``` ### 4.0.0b2 ``` * C, C++, fix ``KeyError`` when an ``alias`` directive is the first C/C++ directive in a file with another C/C++ directive later. ``` ### 4.0.0b1 ``` * 8917: autodoc: Raises a warning if function has wrong __globals__ value * 8415: autodoc: a TypeVar imported from other module is not resolved (in Python 3.7 or above) * 8992: autodoc: Failed to resolve types.TracebackType type annotation * 8905: html: html_add_permalinks=None and html_add_permalinks="" are ignored * 8380: html search: Paragraphs in search results are not identified as ``<p>`` * 8915: html theme: The translation of sphinx_rtd_theme does not work * 8342: Emit a warning if a unknown domain is given for directive or role (ex. ``:unknown:doc:``) * 7241: LaTeX: No wrapping for ``cpp:enumerator`` * 8711: LaTeX: backticks in code-blocks trigger latexpdf build warning (and font change) with late TeXLive 2019 * 8253: LaTeX: Figures with no size defined get overscaled (compared to images with size explicitly set in pixels) (fixed for ``'pdflatex'/'lualatex'`` only) * 8881: LaTeX: The depth of bookmarks panel in PDF is not enough for navigation * 8874: LaTeX: the fix to two minor Pygments LaTeXFormatter output issues ignore Pygments style * 8925: LaTeX: 3.5.0 ``verbatimmaxunderfull`` setting does not work as expected * 8980: LaTeX: missing line break in ``\pysigline`` * 8995: LaTeX: legacy ``\pysiglinewithargsret`` does not compute correctly available horizontal space and should use a ragged right style * 9009: LaTeX: "release" value with underscore leads to invalid LaTeX * 8911: C++: remove the longest matching prefix in :confval:`cpp_index_common_prefix` instead of the first that matches. * C, properly reject function declarations when a keyword is used as parameter name. * 8933: viewcode: Failed to create back-links on parallel build * 8960: C and C++, fix rendering of (member) function pointer types in function parameter lists. * C++, fix linking of names in array declarators, pointer to member (function) declarators, and in the argument to ``sizeof...``. * C, fix linking of names in array declarators. ``` ### 3.5.5 ``` ============================== ```
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Update pytest from 6.2.3 to 6.2.4.

Changelog ### 6.2.4 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `8539 <>`_: Fixed assertion rewriting on Python 3.10. ```
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Update pytest-runner from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1.

Changelog ### 5.3.1 ``` ====== * Refreshed package metadata. ```
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Update pydicom from 2.1.2 to 2.2.0.

Changelog ### 2.2.0 ``` Some of the updates in pydicom 2.2.0 include: - a command-line interface was added with subcommands 'show' and 'codify'. - improvements or new methods for private tags, JSON handling, FileSets, and VRs of AT, DS, and PersonName. - improvements in color space conversion and RLE encoding/decoding. - Data dictionaries were updated to version 2021b of the DICOM Standard There were many bug fixes and other changes; see the [release notes]( for full details of changes, additions, and bug fixes. ``` ### 2.2.0rc.1 ``` Release candidate for version 2.2.0. ```
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Update flake8 from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2.

Changelog ### 3.9.2 ``` ------------------- You can view the `3.9.2 milestone`_ on GitHub for more details. Bugs Fixed ~~~~~~~~~~ - Fix error message for ``E111`` in ``pycodestyle`` (See also :pull:`1328`, :issue:`1327`). Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``indent_size_str`` is deprecated, use ``str(indent_size)`` instead (See also :pull:`1328`, :issue:`1327`). .. all links .. _3.9.2 milestone: ```
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Update pip from 21.1.1 to 21.2.4.

Changelog ### 21.2.4 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - Fix 3.6.0 compatibility in link comparison logic. (`10280 <>`_) ``` ### 21.2.3 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - Modify the ``sysconfig.get_preferred_scheme`` function check to be compatible with CPython 3.10’s alphareleases. (`10252 <>`_) ``` ### 21.2.2 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - New resolver: When a package is specified with extras in constraints, and with extras in non-constraint requirements, the resolver now correctly identifies the constraint's existence and avoids backtracking. (`10233 <>`_) ``` ### 21.2.1 ``` =================== Process ------- - The source distribution re-installation feature removal has been delayed to 21.3. ``` ### 21.2 ``` ================= Process ------- - ``pip freeze``, ``pip list``, and ``pip show`` no longer normalize underscore (``_``) in distribution names to dash (``-``). This is a side effect of the migration to ``importlib.metadata``, since the underscore-dash normalization behavior is non-standard and specific to setuptools. This should not affect other parts of pip (for example, when feeding the ``pip freeze`` result back into ``pip install``) since pip internally performs standard PEP 503 normalization independently to setuptools. Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Git version parsing is now done with regular expression to prepare for the pending upstream removal of non-PEP-440 version parsing logic. (`10117 <>`_) - Re-enable the "Value for ... does not match" location warnings to field a new round of feedback for the ``distutils``-``sysconfig`` transition. (`10151 <>`_) - Remove deprecated ``--find-links`` option in ``pip freeze`` (`9069 <>`_) Features -------- - New resolver: Loosen URL comparison logic when checking for direct URL reference equivalency. The logic includes the following notable characteristics: * The authentication part of the URL is explicitly ignored. * Most of the fragment part, including ``egg=``, is explicitly ignored. Only ``subdirectory=`` and hash values (e.g. ``sha256=``) are kept. * The query part of the URL is parsed to allow ordering differences. (`10002 <>`_) - Support TOML v1.0.0 syntax in ``pyproject.toml``. (`10034 <>`_) - Added a warning message for errors caused due to Long Paths being disabled on Windows. (`10045 <>`_) - Change the encoding of log file from default text encoding to UTF-8. (`10071 <>`_) - Log the resolved commit SHA when installing a package from a Git repository. (`10149 <>`_) - Add a warning when passing an invalid requirement to ``pip uninstall``. (`4958 <>`_) - Add new subcommand ``pip index`` used to interact with indexes, and implement ``pip index version`` to list available versions of a package. (`7975 <>`_) - When pip is asked to uninstall a project without the dist-info/RECORD file it will no longer traceback with FileNotFoundError, but it will provide a better error message instead, such as:: ERROR: Cannot uninstall foobar 0.1, RECORD file not found. You might be able to recover from this via: 'pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps foobar==0.1'. When dist-info/INSTALLER is present and contains some useful information, the info is included in the error message instead:: ERROR: Cannot uninstall foobar 0.1, RECORD file not found. Hint: The package was installed by rpm. (`8954 <>`_) - Add an additional level of verbosity. ``--verbose`` (and the shorthand ``-v``) now contains significantly less output, and users that need complete full debug-level output should pass it twice (``--verbose --verbose`` or ``-vv``). (`9450 <>`_) - New resolver: The order of dependencies resolution has been tweaked to traverse the dependency graph in a more breadth-first approach. (`9455 <>`_) - Make "yes" the default choice in ``pip uninstall``'s prompt. (`9686 <>`_) - Add a special error message when users forget the ``-r`` flag when installing. (`9915 <>`_) - New resolver: A distribution's ``Requires-Python`` metadata is now checked before its Python dependencies. This makes the resolver fail quicker when there's an interpreter version conflict. (`9925 <>`_) - Suppress "not on PATH" warning when ``--prefix`` is given. (`9931 <>`_) - Include ``rustc`` version in pip's ``User-Agent``, when the system has ``rustc``. (`9987 <>`_) Bug Fixes --------- - Update vendored six to 1.16.0 and urllib3 to 1.26.5 (`10043 <>`_) - Correctly allow PEP 517 projects to be detected without warnings in ``pip freeze``. (`10080 <>`_) - Strip leading slash from a ``file://`` URL built from an path with the Windows drive notation. This fixes bugs where the ``file://`` URL cannot be correctly used as requirement, constraint, or index URLs on Windows. (`10115 <>`_) - New resolver: URL comparison logic now treats ``file://localhost/`` and ``file:///`` as equivalent to conform to RFC 8089. (`10162 <>`_) - Prefer credentials from the URL over the previously-obtained credentials from URLs of the same domain, so it is possible to use different credentials on the same index server for different ``--extra-index-url`` options. (`3931 <>`_) - Fix extraction of files with utf-8 encoded paths from tars. (`7667 <>`_) - Skip distutils configuration parsing on encoding errors. (`8931 <>`_) - New resolver: Detect an unnamed requirement is user-specified (by building its metadata for the project name) so it can be correctly ordered in the resolver. (`9204 <>`_) - Fix :ref:`pip freeze` to output packages :ref:`installed from git <vcs support>` in the correct ``git+protocol://`` format rather than the old and no longer supported ``git+git`` format. (`9822 <>`_) - Fix warnings about install scheme selection for Python framework builds distributed by Apple's Command Line Tools. (`9844 <>`_) - Relax interpreter detection to quelch a location mismatch warning where PyPy is deliberately breaking backwards compatibility. (`9845 <>`_) Vendored Libraries ------------------ - Upgrade certifi to 2021.05.30. - Upgrade idna to 3.2. - Upgrade packaging to 21.0 - Upgrade requests to 2.26.0. - Upgrade resolvelib to 0.7.1. - Upgrade urllib3 to 1.26.6. ``` ### 21.1.3 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - Remove unused optional ``tornado`` import in vendored ``tenacity`` to prevent old versions of Tornado from breaking pip. (`10020 <>`_) - Require ``setup.cfg``-only projects to be built via PEP 517, by requiring an explicit dependency on setuptools declared in pyproject.toml. (`10031 <>`_) ``` ### 21.1.2 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - New resolver: Correctly exclude an already installed package if its version is known to be incompatible to stop the dependency resolution process with a clear error message. (`9841 <>`_) - Allow ZIP to archive files with timestamps earlier than 1980. (`9910 <>`_) - Emit clearer error message when a project root does not contain either ``pyproject.toml``, ```` or ``setup.cfg``. (`9944 <>`_) - Fix detection of existing standalone pip instance for PEP 517 builds. (`9953 <>`_) ```
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Update tox from 3.23.0 to 3.24.1.

Changelog ### 3.24.1 ``` -------------------- Bugfixes ^^^^^^^^ - ``get_requires_for_build_sdist`` hook (PEP 517) is assumed to return an empty list if left unimplemented by the backend build system - by :user:`oczkoisse` `2130 <>`_ Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The documentation of ``install_command`` now also mentions that you can provide arbitrary commands - by :user:`jugmac00` `2081 <>`_ ``` ### 3.24.0 ``` -------------------- Bugfixes ^^^^^^^^ - ``--devenv`` no longer modifies the directory in which the ``.tox`` environment is provisioned - by :user:`isaac-ped` `2065 <>`_ - Fix show config when the package names are not in canonical form - by :user:`gaborbernat`. `2103 <>`_ Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Extended environment variables section - by :user:`majiang` `2036 <>`_ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``tox`` no longer shows deprecation warnings for ``distutils.sysconfig`` on Python 3.10 - by :user:`9999years` `2100 <>`_ ``` ### 3.23.1 ``` -------------------- Bugfixes ^^^^^^^^ - Distinguish between normal Windows Python and MSYS2 Python when looking for virtualenv executable path. Adds os.sep to :class:`InterpreterInfo` - by :user:`jschwartzentruber` `1982 <>`_ - Fix a ``tox-conda`` isolation build bug - by :user:`AntoineD`. `2056 <>`_ Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Update examples in the documentation to use ``setenv`` in the ``[testenv]`` sections, not wrongly in the ``[tox]`` main section. - by :user:`AndreyNautilus` `1999 <>`_ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Enable building tox with ``setuptools_scm`` 6+ by :user:`hroncok` `1984 <>`_ ```
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Update twine from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

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Update watchdog from 2.0.3 to 2.1.3.

Changelog ### 2.1.3 ``` ~~~~~ 2021-06-26 • `full history <>`__ - Publish macOS ``arm64`` and ``universal2`` wheels. (`740 <>`_) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: kainjow, BoboTiG ``` ### 2.1.2 ``` ~~~~~ 2021-05-19 • `full history <>`__ - [mac] Fix relative path handling for non-recursive watch. (`797 <>`_) - [windows] On PyPy, events happening right after ``start()`` were missed. Add a workaround for that. (`796 <>`_) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: oprypin, CCP-Aporia, BoboTiG ``` ### 2.1.1 ``` ~~~~~ 2021-05-10 • `full history <>`__ - [mac] Fix callback exceptions when the watcher is deleted but still receiving events (`786 <>`_) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: rom1win, BoboTiG, CCP-Aporia ``` ### 2.1.0 ``` ~~~~~ 2021-05-04 • `full history <>`__ - [inotify] Simplify ``libc`` loading (`776 <>`_) - [mac] Add support for non-recursive watches in ``FSEventsEmitter`` (`779 <>`_) - [watchmedo] Add support for ``--debug-force-*`` arguments to ``tricks`` (`781 <>`_) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: CCP-Aporia, aodj, UnitedMarsupials, BoboTiG ```
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Update pre-commit from 2.12.1 to 2.14.0.

Changelog ### 2.14.0 ``` =================== Features - During `pre-push` hooks, expose local branch as `PRE_COMMIT_LOCAL_BRANCH`. - 1947 PR by FlorentClarret. - 1410 issue by MaicoTimmerman. - Improve container id detection for docker-beside-docker with custom hostname. - 1919 PR by adarnimrod. - 1918 issue by adarnimrod. Fixes - Read legacy hooks in an encoding-agnostic way. - 1943 PR by asottile. - 1942 issue by sbienkow-ninja. - Fix execution of docker hooks for docker-in-docker. - 1997 PR by asottile. - 1978 issue by robin-moss. ``` ### 2.13.0 ``` =================== Features - Setting `SKIP=...` skips installation as well. - 1875 PR by asottile. - pre-commit-ci/issues53 issue by TylerYep. - Attempt to mount from host with docker-in-docker. - 1888 PR by okainov. - 1387 issue by okainov. - Enable `repo: local` for `r` hooks. - 1878 PR by lorenzwalthert. - Upgrade `ruby-build` and `rbenv`. - 1913 PR by jalessio. Fixes - Better detect `r` packages. - 1898 PR by lorenzwalthert. - Avoid warnings with mismatched `renv` versions. - 1841 PR by lorenzwalthert. - Reproducibly produce ruby tar resources. - 1915 PR by asottile. ```
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Update requests from 2.25.1 to 2.26.0.

Changelog ### 2.26.0 ``` ------------------- **Improvements** - Requests now supports Brotli compression, if either the `brotli` or `brotlicffi` package is installed. (5783) - `Session.send` now correctly resolves proxy configurations from both the Session and Request. Behavior now matches `Session.request`. (5681) **Bugfixes** - Fixed a race condition in zip extraction when using Requests in parallel from zip archive. (5707) **Dependencies** - Instead of `chardet`, use the MIT-licensed `charset_normalizer` for Python3 to remove license ambiguity for projects bundling requests. If `chardet` is already installed on your machine it will be used instead of `charset_normalizer` to keep backwards compatibility. (5797) You can also install `chardet` while installing requests by specifying `[use_chardet_on_py3]` extra as follows: shell pip install "requests[use_chardet_on_py3]" Python2 still depends upon the `chardet` module. - Requests now supports `idna` 3.x on Python 3. `idna` 2.x will continue to be used on Python 2 installations. (5711) **Deprecations** - The `requests[security]` extra has been converted to a no-op install. PyOpenSSL is no longer the recommended secure option for Requests. (5867) - Requests has officially dropped support for Python 3.5. (5867) ```
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pyup-bot commented 3 years ago

Closing this in favor of #61