sjohnsonaz / BuildJS-Full

A simple utility for class definition, inheritance, dynamic loading, MVVM, Widgets, and backend MVC.
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Create Input class to support all type values. #80

Open sjohnsonaz opened 9 years ago

sjohnsonaz commented 9 years ago

The <input> tag supports several type of inputs via the type property. Currently we have Button, CheckBox, FileUpload, Password, RadioButton, Submit, and Text.

Some of these types support particularly different features, and are logically different. However, many can be grouped into a single class with a variable type property. Determine which, if any, should be grouped together. Also determine if subclassing is necessary.

Keep in mind, any of these properties may be wrapped at any time by calling watchProperty on that instance.

This is the complete list of type values. Keep in mind that many are only partially supported.

The parameters to support are:

sjohnsonaz commented 9 years ago

Added Text.textType watchProperty. Added Text.textTypes enum.

sjohnsonaz commented 9 years ago
