sjones6 / vue-gun

A Vue plugin to add Gun integration
89 stars 5 forks source link

A question about import Radix storage engine into the Project #5

Closed zjyzh closed 4 years ago

zjyzh commented 4 years ago

I use vue-gun by initializing it in this way:

import 'gun/lib/rindexed';
import 'gun/lib/radix';
import 'gun/lib/radisk';
Vue.use(VueGun, {
  peers: ['.../gun', '  .../gun'],
  radisk: true,
  localStorage: false

But after I Refresh my Browser, I couldn't get data from GUN, I want to ask is there any problem with my code when I'm using RED API ?

zjyzh commented 4 years ago

If I enable local Storage and push a file larger than 5Mb, My console will have the following tips:

QuotaExceededError: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'gun/' exceeded the quota. 
Consider using GUN's IndexedDB plugin for RAD for more storage space,
sjones6 commented 4 years ago

I don’t think this a problem Vue-Gun but Gun itself. Suggest filing an issue there

amark commented 4 years ago

@sjones6 woah! you're alive! How are you doing? How's the family? What are you up to? :)

sjones6 commented 4 years ago

Hey @amark , so I am :) doing pretty well—2 kids now and a pretty intense startup job, hasn’t left much time for OS last few years. Looks like things are still pretty active in the GUN world!