sjrmanning / Birdsong

:bird::musical_score: Swift WebSockets client for Phoenix Channels.
MIT License
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Differences with SwiftPhoenixClient #3

Closed alexbredy closed 8 years ago

alexbredy commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

Very nice library, especially with the handling of presence! Could you please outline what are the differences with this one (beyond the presence)?

Thanks for your help, Alex

sjrmanning commented 8 years ago

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your comments and interest! There are a few minor differences of opinion and bug fixes that I ran into after using SwiftPhoenixClient, but the major difference is in the architecture of sending and receiving payloads on the socket connection.

All actions (joining/leaving channels, sending messages, etc.) are based off the Phoenix JavaScript client architecture (see:, where they return an object (Push), containing the unique reference ID and a way to subscribe to responses to that event (e.g. when sending a message, you can "receive" the response from the server by the status returned, as well as the payload). This is documented in the README with a few examples, such as:

    channel.send("new:msg", payload: ["body": "Hello!"])
        .receive("ok", callback: { response in
            print("Sent a message!")
        .receive("error", callback: { reason in
            print("Message didn't send: \(reason)")

As shown above, .receive returns the same Push object, so you can also chain on a callback to respond to errors with .receive("error" ..., allowing the client to handle errors on specific actions. This differs from SwiftPhoenixClient, where after a message is sent no reference is kept to it. Birdsong keeps the unique ref IDs to messages until a response is received back from the server, confirming that the message was received server-side and allowing this .receive functionality.

Hope that helps!

alexbredy commented 8 years ago

Hi Simon,

Thanks for spending time in answering my question. It helped a lot! Keep up the good work, issue resolved :)
