sjroth / ARTDeco

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Directories are empty when running differential expression modes (a similar problem) #27

Open mrb20045 opened 1 month ago

mrb20045 commented 1 month ago

Hi Actually, I faced the same issue as discussed before "Directories are empty when running differential expression modes ".

I tried different approaches to fix it. I fell that the problem is related to line 57: diff_exp = pd.read_csv(conditions_file,sep='\t',index_col=0)

Here, conditions_file is read but it seems to be mistake and output of the differential expression has to be inputted. Also, I could not find the results of differential expression here. Could you please take a look.


sjroth commented 1 month ago


As requested earlier, please show your command and stdout (this is standard for programming so I recommend getting in the habit). Also, please provide the meta and comparisons files. I cannot "take a look" if you don't provide these resources.

Best, Sam

mrb20045 commented 1 month ago

To run differential Expression with Read-In Information mode the below code used and log files is attached. It is worth noting that everything is OK but no file is generated.

ARTDeco -mode diff_exp_read_in -layout PE -stranded False -skip-bam-summary -meta-file metadata.txt -comparisons-file conditiones.txt -bam-files-dir bamfiles -gtf-file ../0_GTF/modified_genes.gtf -chrom-sizes-file ../0_GTF/genome.chrom.sizes -cpu 60 -read-in-threshold 0 -read-in-fpkm 0.15 -log2FC 2 -pval 0.05


To run DoG Differential Expression mode the below code used and log files is attached.

ARTDeco -mode diff_exp_dogs -layout PE -stranded False -skip-bam-summary -meta-file metadata.txt -comparisons-file conditiones.txt -cpu 60 -bam-files-dir bamfiles


Meat and conditions files are attached as follow:

conditiones.txt metadata.txt

sjroth commented 1 month ago

Thank you! One last request: can you give me the output of the "head" command for your reformatted gene expression file?

mrb20045 commented 1 month ago

head of the files:

[Uploading gene.exp.raw.txt…]()

sjroth commented 1 month ago

I don't need the entire file. I just need the column names.

mrb20045 commented 1 month ago

ID Length Sample_1 Sample_10 Sample_11 Sample_12 Sample_2 Sample_3 Sample_4 Sample_5 Sample_6 Sample_7 Sample_8 Sample_9

sjroth commented 1 month ago

Hmmm... Nothing looks off to me. Can you upload the meta.reformatted.txt and comparisons.reformatted.txt? Otherwise, I suggest deleting those files and the diff_exp* folders and re-running. I am currently refactoring the package because of issues with rpy2 in general. This is easily the most brittle part of the pipeline.

mrb20045 commented 1 month ago

I ran the code several times in different ways. meta.reformatted.txt and comparisons.reformatted.txt are correct.

After several tries I found that it is because of rpy2. First, I downgraded my rpy2 to 2.9.4 but it could not fix the problem.

Can you provide an R code for differential expression analysis for read_in ?

I did DE_DOGs analysis but could not understand the analysis for DE read_in.

sjroth commented 1 month ago

I understand your frustration. You uploading these files will help me identify any bugs during my update. Please remember that I'm here to help. Here are the files I want: gene.exp.raw.txt meta.reformatted.txt comparisons.reformatted.txt

If I cannot identify an issue, I will return analyzed output with the code I use.

mrb20045 commented 1 month ago

Here you go,

gene.exp.raw.txt meta.reformatted.txt comparisons.reformatted.txt

faleevz commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there, still facing similar issues- any update in regards to this error?

sjroth commented 2 weeks ago

I am in the midst of refactoring the code, but I am very busy with work and personal obligations.