sjrusso8 / spark-connect-rs

Apache Spark Connect Client for Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Feature: bindings for server side JS/TS using napi-rs #25

Open sjrusso8 opened 2 months ago

sjrusso8 commented 2 months ago


Create similar bindings as with Rust but available in server side js (node, deno, bun, ...). The sdk should closely resemble the rust one, and only deviate when either necessary due to napi limitations, or when it is unidiomatic in JS. seems to be good crate to leverage and is relatively easy to use.

Early Experiment

The branch feat/napi contains a super quick pass at creating the bindings. The experiment only covers these areas

  1. Create a remote SparkSession
  2. Create a dataframe with .sql
  3. Modify the dataframe with select, and filter
  4. Perform "action" with count()
  5. Perform “action” with show()

There is a lot of use of clone() and some not great implementations to create a new empty dataframe to satisfy the napi requirements. The polars js interop is a good example of how the bindings might function.