sjspielman / dragon

Deep time Redox Analysis of the Geobiology Ontology Network
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dragon crashing whenever I select "Standard deviation Pauling electronegativity" in the Analyze Network tab #11

Closed mooreek closed 5 years ago

mooreek commented 5 years ago

Hi, This just started recently, but whenever I select go to the "Analyze Network" tab and select "Standard deviation electronegativity" as the response variable the site crashes and has to be reloaded. This didn't happen before with this function until a couple days ago.

I noticed that in the response variable list the variable is called "Standard deviation electronegativity" and the the predictor variable list the variable is called "Standard deviation Pauling electronegativity". I don't know if the different names could be causing any issues. The issue only happens when "Standard deviation electronegativity" is selected as a response variable, but everything appears to work fine when "Standard deviation Pauling electronegativity" is selected as a predictor variable

I started going through all the combinations of response and predictor variables, and there was one other variable combination where the site crashed as well. Response Predictor Louvain Louvain

Strange that this combination would cause an issue, Louvain works fine as either a response or predictor variable when it is paired with a different variable.

Thanks, Eli

sjspielman commented 5 years ago

Ha, it's fine - I found this bug over the weekend and fixed it, but forgot to push to website! Give it a minute.

sjspielman commented 5 years ago

Note, the Louvain issue you found is more complicated, and I am aware of it but will take time.

mooreek commented 5 years ago

Great that you already found the standard deviation issue, I was initially very surprised at how fast the issue was closed!

sjspielman commented 5 years ago

Ok, more general bug fixes applied. Should be working now, once deployed in a few minutes.