sjspielman / dragon

Deep time Redox Analysis of the Geobiology Ontology Network
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dragon page is not loading #12

Closed mooreek closed 5 years ago

mooreek commented 5 years ago

dragon is not working this morning. Either the web page is not loading, or when it does load and I initialize a network the network does not appear. Do you know if there is something going on with Shiny at the moment, or some other issue?
Best, Eli

mooreek commented 5 years ago

The dragon page is loading now, but the full network is not loading for different layout algorithms other than the default FR layout. Thanks! Best, Eli

sjspielman commented 5 years ago

Website is working fine for me, could be your internet?

As a backup plan, there is a version on CRAN now so you can always get the package that way and use RStudio Cloud, OR use the remotes package to get the latest and greatest:

sjspielman commented 5 years ago

The dragon page is loading now, but the full network is not loading for different layout algorithms other than the default FR layout. Thanks! Best, Eli

Again, works for me with all layouts. Sounds like your internet...

mooreek commented 5 years ago

The page is loading now, I was just being too impatient. Great suggestion about running on Thanks, Eli