sjspielman / dragon

Deep time Redox Analysis of the Geobiology Ontology Network
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dragon is crashing whenever I load the full mineral network #13

Closed mooreek closed 5 years ago

mooreek commented 5 years ago

Hello, when I load the full mineral network without making any network adjustments or changing colors etc. dragon crashes. It is even crashing in after I load the network and attempt to move a node. I had been able to move nodes around slowly in the past on the full mineral network, so I am not sure if there is some new issue that as come up. Thanks!

Best, Eli

sjspielman commented 5 years ago

No changes have been made to dragon for about 2 weeks, so I suspect this is due to their servers, OR you may be using an outdated version of dragon. You can always re-install the package from github; let me know if this helps.