sjspielman / dragon

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Error Message when running dragon: there is no package called 'shinyBS' #30

Closed mooreek closed 5 years ago

mooreek commented 5 years ago

Hi Stephanie,

I downloaded the latest version of dragon using the following command: install_github("spielmanlab/dragon", force=T)

Then ran this command, which gave no error messages: library(dragon)

Then when I did 'rundragon()' I got the following error message:

'Listening on Warning: Error in library: there is no package called ‘shinyBS’ 49: stop 48: library'

Any thoughts on what could be the issue? Thanks!

Best, Eli

sjspielman commented 5 years ago

A package is missing from your system to run dragon, which should have been specified in dragon's settings. I'll fix this now, re-run the command in a few min.

mooreek commented 5 years ago

I downloaded dragon again and when I did rundragon() I now have the following error message: there is no package called ‘plotly’

Thanks, Eli