sjteresi / TE_Density

Python script calculating transposable element density for all genes in a genome. Publication:
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Plotting the results in R #145

Closed hoyosmanuel closed 2 months ago

hoyosmanuel commented 5 months ago

Hello, thank you very much for creating this software. I would like you to please guide me on how I can plot the final results of transposable element density in R. Thanks Manuel.

sjteresi commented 5 months ago

Hi, I cannot offer much advice on integrating the software with R. I do not plan on adding that feature, however if you figure something out and issue a pull request I would be happy to merge.

I believe there are a number of packages in R that can read/write to HDF5 files (the output file format), but I cannot speak to their usefulness or how well they work.

Best of luck