sjteresi / TE_Density

Python script calculating transposable element density for all genes in a genome. Publication:
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unclear Error Message for "Old" Overlap Values. #96

Open sjteresi opened 2 years ago

sjteresi commented 2 years ago

Error: "The windows for MergeData do not match with the windows of Overlap" Described in transposon/ under _validate_windows function Easily occurs when there are previously calculated Overlap files on disk, and the user is re-running TE Density, but this time with a new configuration file (a different set of windows). Error message is unclear as to what must be done to fix this. Room for improvement.

Potential fixes?

sjteresi commented 2 years ago

@teresi I have edited the error message for _validate_windows() in in branch CodeCleanup commit SHA 76237503d3ff67159b9e539eaa3f7f23afdb2322

Let me know if this is a sufficient fix, and if you think doing the first check box is necessary