sjtug / mirror-requests

新镜像请求 & BUG 汇报
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linux-surface #110

Open Firestar-Reimu opened 3 years ago

Firestar-Reimu commented 3 years ago






同步方法: 待补充

镜像大小: 待补充



Firestar-Reimu commented 3 years ago

Hmm, the size depends on the distribution, but overall I have no clue. I also have no clue on how to create mirrors and such, but I guess there should be scripts to inspect and clone repos.

Our setup is a bit special in that we don't direclty host the packages at, but rather forward requests to github releases. That way the actual package files are hosted by github while we only need to store some repository metadata. You can look at the index.php for details, but basically we translate any package requests by looking for the corresponding .blob file (requested filename + .blob) , which contain a reference to the github release, to which whe then forward. So could be that some scripts for mirroring won't work.

from linux-surface/linux-surface#303

skyzh commented 3 years ago

Hmm, the size depends on the distribution, but overall I have no clue. I also have no clue on how to create mirrors and such, but I guess there should be scripts to inspect and clone repos.

Our setup is a bit special in that we don't direclty host the packages at, but rather forward requests to github releases. That way the actual package files are hosted by github while we only need to store some repository metadata. You can look at the index.php for details, but basically we translate any package requests by looking for the corresponding .blob file (requested filename + .blob) , which contain a reference to the github release, to which whe then forward. So could be that some scripts for mirroring won't work.

from linux-surface/linux-surface#303

我们这边暂时没有比较成熟的镜像 apt 源方法。一般上游提供 rsync 会比较方便,但看起来 linux-surface 这个架构不像能提供 rsync 的样子。

hmsjy2017 commented 3 years ago

我们这边暂时没有比较成熟的镜像 apt 源方法。一般上游提供 rsync 会比较方便,但看起来 linux-surface 这个架构不像能提供 rsync 的样子。

同步 apt 源可以参考此脚本

qwerzl commented 3 years ago

请问这个源有进展吗? 这个源本身似乎就是一个github repo

skyzh commented 3 years ago

请问这个源有进展吗? 这个源本身似乎就是一个github repo

看起来有 u/staging, u/current 和 repo 分支。应该同步哪一个?

skyzh commented 3 years ago

请问这个源有进展吗? 这个源本身似乎就是一个github repo

这个 repo 里没有二进制文件,需要找其他方法同步。

SamLukeYes commented 3 years ago

请问这个源有进展吗? 这个源本身似乎就是一个github repo

这个 repo 里没有二进制文件,需要找其他方法同步。

这个仓库里的 .blob 文件指示了二进制文件的位置,按照 repo:tag/filename 来解析就能得到二进制文件的地址

举个例子,对于这个 .blob 文件(linux-surface:arch-5.11.16-1/linux-surface-5.11.16.arch1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst),下载地址是

skyzh commented 3 years ago

请问这个源有进展吗? 这个源本身似乎就是一个github repo

这个 repo 里没有二进制文件,需要找其他方法同步。

这个仓库里的 .blob 文件指示了二进制文件的位置,按照 repo:tag/filename 来解析就能得到二进制文件的地址

举个例子,对于这个 .blob 文件(linux-surface:arch-5.11.16-1/linux-surface-5.11.16.arch1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst),下载地址是


qwerzl commented 3 years ago

请问这个源有进展吗? 这个源本身似乎就是一个github repo

看起来有 u/staging, u/current 和 repo 分支。应该同步哪一个?

是repo分支 抱歉那么晚才回您

qwerzl commented 3 years ago

Our setup is a bit special in that we don't direclty host the packages at, but rather forward requests to github releases. That way the actual package files are hosted by github while we only need to store some repository metadata. You can look at the index.php for details, but basically we translate any package requests by looking for the corresponding .blob file (requested filename + .blob) , which contain a reference to the github release, to which whe then forward. So could be that some scripts for mirroring won't work.


skyzh commented 3 years ago

Our setup is a bit special in that we don't direclty host the packages at, but rather forward requests to github releases. That way the actual package files are hosted by github while we only need to store some repository metadata. You can look at the index.php for details, but basically we translate any package requests by looking for the corresponding .blob file (requested filename + .blob) , which contain a reference to the github release, to which whe then forward. So could be that some scripts for mirroring won't work.



specter119 commented 2 years ago

人在 arch,经常不滚。 如果在 arch,另一种实现方式是,直接拿他打出来的 tar 包,在 aur 重新打一个 -bin 的包,再把这个 -bin 的 aur 包,送给 archlinuxcn 去维护( 甚至可以帮你自动更新 aur),就解决了。