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新镜像请求 & BUG 汇报
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Anaconda 下载gcc报错403 #357

Closed cololi closed 3 weeks ago

cololi commented 1 month ago
(base) ➜  r_proj git:(dev) ✗ conda install -c conda-forge gcc=12.1.0
 - conda-forge
 - defaults
Platform: linux-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: /home/ubuntu/mambaforge

  added / updated specs:
    - gcc=12.1.0

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    binutils_impl_linux-64-2.40|       hf600244_0         5.2 MB  conda-forge
    conda-24.5.0               |  py310hff52083_0         939 KB  conda-forge
    frozendict-2.4.4           |  py310hc51659f_0          48 KB  conda-forge
    gcc-12.1.0                 |      h9ea6d83_10          24 KB  conda-forge
    gcc_impl_linux-64-12.1.0   |      hea43390_17        56.2 MB  conda-forge
    kernel-headers_linux-64-2.6.32|      he073ed8_17         694 KB  conda-forge
    libsanitizer-12.1.0        |      ha89aaad_17         6.2 MB  conda-forge
    sysroot_linux-64-2.12      |      he073ed8_17        14.4 MB  conda-forge
                                           Total:        83.7 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

  binutils_impl_lin~ conda-forge/linux-64::binutils_impl_linux-64-2.40-hf600244_0 
  frozendict         conda-forge/linux-64::frozendict-2.4.4-py310hc51659f_0 
  gcc                conda-forge/linux-64::gcc-12.1.0-h9ea6d83_10 
  gcc_impl_linux-64  conda-forge/linux-64::gcc_impl_linux-64-12.1.0-hea43390_17 
  kernel-headers_li~ conda-forge/noarch::kernel-headers_linux-64-2.6.32-he073ed8_17 
  libgcc-devel_linu~ conda-forge/linux-64::libgcc-devel_linux-64-12.1.0-h1ec3361_17 
  libsanitizer       conda-forge/linux-64::libsanitizer-12.1.0-ha89aaad_17 
  sysroot_linux-64   conda-forge/noarch::sysroot_linux-64-2.12-he073ed8_17 

The following packages will be UPDATED:

  conda                              24.4.0-py310hff52083_0 --> 24.5.0-py310hff52083_0 

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Downloading and Extracting Packages:

CondaHTTPError: HTTP 403 FORBIDDEN for url <>                                                                                                                             
Elapsed: 00:00.051361                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.                                                                                                                                                                                           

CondaHTTPError: HTTP 403 FORBIDDEN for url <>
Elapsed: 00:00.051361

An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.
HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.
PhotonQuantum commented 1 month ago
