sjudson / paseto.js

PASETO: Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens
MIT License
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Cannot resolve dependency '../build/Release/extcrypto_addon' #9

Closed davidperrenoud closed 5 years ago

davidperrenoud commented 5 years ago

When compiling for the browser using Parcel I get the error:

🚨  ./node_modules/paseto.js/extcrypto/index.js:1:35: 
Cannot resolve dependency '../build/Release/extcrypto_addon' at './node_modules/paseto.js/build/Release/extcrypto_addon'

Would it be possible to make the import of extcrypto_addon conditional at compile time for the browser?

Some V2 functions seem to work fine when I comment the extcrypto_addon line, thanks to Parcel's automatic import of node-libs-browser.

sjudson commented 5 years ago

Although as noted in the readme I intend to add browser support for public token verification in the near future, at present paseto.js is for server-side runtimes only. I strongly recommend you do not use this library in the browser at present. As such, I'm going to close this issue. If this problem arises when I add browser support I will deal with it then.

Thanks for reporting the issue.

davidperrenoud commented 5 years ago

Do you mean that there are some major security concerns when using this library in the browser? As far as I understand, only the crypto.randomBytes function is needed for V2 tokens which can be trivially implemented in recent browsers.

sjudson commented 5 years ago

Yes, there are major security concerns with doing any sort of cryptography in the browser, this library included. As noted I do intend limited support just for public token verification through a special API for the browser. But the library in its current form should only be used server side.

grempe commented 5 years ago

I would like to implement a server-side use of Paseto in the context of a Cloudflare Worker. Paseto, especially for simple verification of v2 tokens, is a perfect fit for performing the first line of auth at the edge of the network. However, the v8 runtime that Cloudflare provides access to within a worker will not allow compilation of code. If there were a variant of the lib that allowed disabling of the compilation (its only used in the context of a v1 token I believe) that would be great. As it is now its not possible to do so without forking the lib.

More about Cloudflare workers and the context they have available.

It would be great if you could think of a way to allow Paseto to work in this scenario.
