sjw82 / Midrash

Our Final Project: a historical analysis of Midrashic Text
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Project Update #6: week of 2/19 #23

Open sjw82 opened 5 years ago

sjw82 commented 5 years ago

This week we worked on choosing the text we'll focus on (Thyra is working on Psalm 24, Ben on Judges 11, and Sam is still deciding) and began on our XML markup. A new, rough schema has been uploaded to reflect several of the criteria we've chosen to focus on; references, connections, literary devices, and purpose; but we're still digging into everything. We also began our wireframe with week. We have one on paper and have begun constructing the HTML and CSS.

For this next week we've decided to solidify our textual focus and communicate with our religious studies adviser about it, to continue on XML markup, and to continue constructing our homepage.

engeljonathan98 commented 5 years ago

Hey! As a CS student who is interested in UX design, thank you for doing a wireframe!! They are, as I'm sure you experienced, extremely useful tools for describing and planning the user's experience.

For those unfamiliar with wireframes, they are basically sketches of a website's design with links to other sketches built into the drawing. That way, I can draw a button and, when a user clicks in the button (on a digital version), it takes them to another page. We can use that to simulate how a web page might behave without coding it. That way, we can, say, test a page's workflow design and intelligibility before doing all the messy and time-consuming CSS that we might end up changing if a test user has a problem.

If all that sounds interesting -- I agree! If you wanna explore more ideas like this, I suggest taking CS1699 -- Special Topics in Computer Science: Human-Computer Interactions with Erin Walker if it's offered again next semester. (I'm doing it right now!) Otherwise, I can also shoot you the reading list of that for writings she's curated on UX design and philosophy. It's a field that's in need of serious philosophical development with a lot of potential so, please, look into it.

khuber116 commented 5 years ago

It's great that you've settled on some texts and that you've started to work out how you're going to mark them up. I think working on the schema at the same time will also be really helpful as it will help make sure you're all sticking with the same thing. I also think it's really impressive that you're all already working on what the final site will look like and how those of us who will be looking at it will use it since that is something we've responded to so much for this class. I'm glad your project is going so well.

loreese commented 5 years ago

Sounds like your group had a varied and productive week. Good to hear you have a schema in the works as you move forward with your respective mark-ups, as it definitely helps keep the continuity between documents. The wireframe sounds like an excellent way to plan out your webpage experience, and it's really great you guys are thinking of that now. Excited to see what's to come of it! As far as document choice goes, are you looking for a specific theme or feeling from the last one to round out the corpus? In other words, what are your motivations in choosing the texts?

sjw82 commented 5 years ago

@engeljonathan98 Could you send me that reading list? My email is