This week we all made progress on our XML markup. Sam also put up a wireframe on the website and organized the repository.
For our midterm goals we've decided to have all of our XML complete by the 26th using the following procedure:
By spring break have chosen a primary Midrash and a few auxiliary midrashim, aiming for roughly 10 midrashim each
On the 19th peer review one another's markup to ensure that we're all interpreting the schema the same way
By the 26th have revised our markup using the peer feedback
This week we also discussed the possible applications of schematron and Sam is embarking on a journey to better understand data mining as she is very adamant that it will be useful for this project.
This week we all made progress on our XML markup. Sam also put up a wireframe on the website and organized the repository.
For our midterm goals we've decided to have all of our XML complete by the 26th using the following procedure:
This week we also discussed the possible applications of schematron and Sam is embarking on a journey to better understand data mining as she is very adamant that it will be useful for this project.