sjwilczynski / WNOPBudgetAutocomplete

An office add-in to help efficiently fill popular budgeting template
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Feature: add support for automatically calculating transaction in foreign currency #3

Open sjwilczynski opened 2 years ago

sjwilczynski commented 2 years ago

I would love to have an option to add transaction in USD and have it automatically converted to PLN. I should add "currency" field to the form and possibility of selecting date of exchange rate. The script for fetching rates is ready.

sjwilczynski commented 2 years ago

Also if possible make sure the whole text is selected on text field focus to make deletion simpler

sjwilczynski commented 2 years ago

To help fill in "Stan kont" it would be nice to show table with currency exchange rates as a new option in add in, having two tabs would probably be nicest