I've been using yEd to draw up switching infrastructure.
For this I've added the attribute "device_type: switch" to the objects.
This as such works, but as soon as I connect two switches, autonetkit fails with the following error
root@ws192virt:/media/sf_C_DRIVE/Temp/yed# autonetkit -f test.graphml
INFO AutoNetkit 0.11.2
INFO Automatically assigning input interfaces
ERROR Error generating network configurations: 'list' object has no attribute 'keys'
Unable to build configurations.
Am I missing some custom attribute?
Or what is going on here?
Hello Everyone,
I've been using yEd to draw up switching infrastructure. For this I've added the attribute "device_type: switch" to the objects. This as such works, but as soon as I connect two switches, autonetkit fails with the following error
Am I missing some custom attribute? Or what is going on here?
Thank you so much :) Regards Linus