sk66641 / AquaGuardians

AquaGuardians is an interactive educational game that teaches players the importance of sustainable groundwater management through interactive puzzles
MIT License
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💡[Feature]: Font and Text Customization Options #23

Open Lonewolf124 opened 1 month ago

Lonewolf124 commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Feature Description

I would like to propose the addition of font and text customization options in the Preferences menu. This will allow users to have more control over the text display, enhancing the overall readability and personalization of the game interface.

Proposed Features:

Font Style Customization: Provide users with the ability to select from a list of available font styles (e.g., serif, sans-serif , or any other). A dropdown or selection menu in the Preferences section to switch between different fonts.

Font Size Adjustment: Allow users to adjust the text size through a slider or dropdown. This feature will improve accessibility for users who prefer larger or smaller text for easier reading.

I am ready to work on this once the issue is assigned to me. I am a gssoc-ext and hacktoberfest contributor

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