sk66641 / AquaGuardians

AquaGuardians is an interactive educational game that teaches players the importance of sustainable groundwater management through interactive puzzles
MIT License
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📝[Docs]: Add a File for Contribution Guidelines #27

Open Varsha567 opened 1 month ago

Varsha567 commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Issue Description

To streamline the contribution process, I suggest adding a file. This would provide clear guidelines for new contributors, including steps for setting up the project locally, coding standards, and how to raise issues or submit pull requests. This document can improve the onboarding process for open-source contributors, making it easier to contribute effectively.

Suggested Change

Create a File Guidelines for Submitting Issues and Pull Requests Coding Standards and Practices




github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Thank you for creating this issue! 🎉 We'll look into it as soon as possible.