sk7725 / BetaMindy

A java mod of Mindustry, made for testing and doing chaotic fun.
GNU General Public License v3.0
322 stars 71 forks source link

After I beat the level "stronghold" I can't move or progress to the next level #168

Open RandoomUser opened 1 year ago

RandoomUser commented 1 year ago

Platform: Android//Windows/Linux

Build: The build number under the title in the main menu. Required.

Mod Version: (optional)

Issue: Explain your issue in detail.

Steps to reproduce: How you happened across the issue, and what exactly you did to make the bug happen.

Save file: The (zipped) save file you were playing on when the bug happened. Not required, but you will be asked for it in certain bugs.

Last log: The last_log.txt from your game folder (.../Mindustry). REQUIRED if a certain block is not working at ALL, usually the case in headless servers.

Crash logs: Either crash reports from the crash folder, or the file you get when you go into Settings -> Game Data -> Export Crash logs. REQUIRED if you are reporting a crash.

Place an X (no spaces) between the brackets to confirm that you have read the line below.

The original template is by Anuke, modified by sk7725.

sk7725 commented 1 year ago

Is this still an issue after disabling betamindy? I doubt this is an issue caused by BM as it does not affect the campaign currently. I might be wrong though so please check by disabling BM and checking again.