skalavala / Multi-Room-Audio-Centralized-Audio-for-Home

:musical_note: This Github Repository provides details on setting up a centralized audio system for your home using nothing but Raspberry Pi's and Old Speakers.
231 stars 31 forks source link

QUESTION: Which raspberry pi you're using? #1

Closed MrPineMan closed 6 years ago

MrPineMan commented 6 years ago

In the system overview drawing you used many raspberry's. Are all of these raspberry 2 or 3's ?

Did you ever used a Pi Zero with Bluetooth? instant of AUX to connect with pulse audio ? And did it worked out ?

skalavala commented 6 years ago

I never paid attention to the issue section of the repository... sorry for the delayed response. I use Raspberry Pi 3s at home. Bluetooth is a pain to set it up, and distance is a problem for me in my house. I have these devices in Garage, Basement, Ground floor and Upstairs in the house (in all corners), and Bluetooth just wouldn't work.

Pi Zeros doesn't have audio jack, and besides the RPIs I have in each room does multiple things, they are being used heavily all the time.