skalpt / purple-elephant

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Company Name #4

Open De-Pa opened 10 years ago

De-Pa commented 10 years ago

What name do we want to give the company?

De-Pa commented 10 years ago
skalpt commented 10 years ago
skalpt commented 10 years ago
skalpt commented 10 years ago

Oops, I think I may have subconsciously stolen the "blox" idea from a GPS module I once bought:

U-blox Company u-blox is a fabless semiconductor provider of embedded positioning and wireless communication components and software for the consumer, industrial and automotive markets

Better stay away from that name, as they may become one of our suppliers!

skalpt commented 10 years ago
skalpt commented 10 years ago

Could still go with rcBlock... I like the idea of consumers visualising them as blocks, like a wireless Lego system.

skalpt commented 10 years ago


skalpt commented 10 years ago

DABLAB rcBlocks

De-Pa commented 10 years ago

Because we are selling 240 V devices with potential for liability suits, which could lose us all our assets (house, car, savings), we pretty much have to work through a limited liability company. Such companies can be bought 'off-the-shelf' for about $1,000. As you are tight for cash, I expect that I would have to pay for this. I was thinking I would do the company running stuff while you did most of the circuit design stuff and we shared marketing? Me, Gemma and you could share the manufacturing, packaging and posting I guess, but unless I get more work I might be able to do most of that (until we subcontract to India). Whaddayareckon?

De-Pa commented 10 years ago

Perhaps we can get a Lego connotation into the name? rcBlockGo, rcLeco or something?

skalpt commented 10 years ago

"Blocko". Very Aussie...

skalpt commented 10 years ago

I was thinking I would do the company running stuff while you did most of the circuit design stuff and we shared marketing?

Yes, something like that. To start with I would envision that all revenue goes into a company pool. I am much more interested in growing the business than making any short-term profit. Hard costs like ordering parts and buying a company can be slowly reimbursed out of the company pool. Anything else, e.g. time & labour, would not be rewarded until we have the turnover to justify a commission. I am not expecting a lot of profit out of this venture unless we are lucky enough to see real success. There is a very high chance that we won't, and I will be happy if each of us can cover our hard costs.

De-Pa commented 10 years ago

I concur

skalpt commented 10 years ago

Bluetongue Blocks.

skalpt commented 10 years ago

Bluetongue Blocks Source:

skalpt commented 10 years ago

Bluetongue Blocks_1 Source:

skalpt commented 10 years ago

Bluetongue Blocks_2 Source:

skalpt commented 10 years ago

Or maybe something a little more professional, similar to this company: BlueTongue Homes Source:

De-Pa commented 10 years ago

I think it should be simpler than these, but I can be convinced otherwise.

skalpt commented 10 years ago

Bluetongue Blocks Source: Font: Bisque

skalpt commented 10 years ago


skalpt commented 10 years ago


De-Pa commented 10 years ago


De-Pa commented 10 years ago


skalpt commented 10 years ago

I really like BluBox. Unfortunately this is already trademarked all over the place. Eg:

BluBlox looks much less popular but it doesn't have the same ring for me. Makes me want to say "BluBox" instead.

De-Pa commented 10 years ago

BeautBlox, BleautBlox, BlutBlox, BleautBox or BlutBox (sort of like blue/beaut blocks/box)

skalpt commented 10 years ago

Netblock or Interbox

De-Pa commented 10 years ago

Elego or Eligo (mum likes these ones. She didn't like the others; too much like tongue twisters) Give the conotation of electronics, elegant and going.

De-Pa commented 10 years ago

Or NetBlox maybe?

skalpt commented 10 years ago

I still like the idea of incorporating something original and Aussie. The company name could simply be something like "Bluetongue Devices", with a generic product name underneath. For example:

Bluetongue Devices

skalpt commented 10 years ago

"Philips hue". Simple company name, even simpler product name.

skalpt commented 10 years ago


skalpt commented 10 years ago

It "hooks" into the power in your home, and allows you to control it from anywhere. So perhaps netHook.

skalpt commented 10 years ago

We are very safe with "Bluetongue Devices". The company name and website are available, and a google search for "bluetongue devices" (in quotes) only returns two results both of which are misspellings of "bluetooth devices". I also like that it sounds so similar to "bluetooth devices", because it gives you the instant impression that it might be wireless technology.

De-Pa commented 10 years ago

My worry is that 'Bluetongue' has been used, for example the beer (that I quite like). Otherwise, I'm happy to go with Bluetongue Devices. We could ask Ben if he sees any issues (ie vis-a-vis the use of 'Bluetongue'). Then, I expect we could have the Blutongue Switch, Bluetongue Power Monitor etc (as opposed to the Bluetongue Devices Switch etc which seems a bit clunky).

skalpt commented 10 years ago

Pretty sure there is no issue with using the word "bluetongue" so long as it is not followed by something which is already in use (like your example, BLUETONGUE BREWERY PTY LIMITED)

Here are all the "bluetongue" / "blue tongue" ABN/ACNs that are already sitting comfortably beside each other (note no mention of "devices"):

[Click here for list]


De-Pa commented 10 years ago

So have we definitely chosen a company name, and do you want me to look into off-the-shelf limited liability companies?

skalpt commented 10 years ago

Have decided that the company name is neither here nor there, "Bluetongue Devices" will do. We will need to look into registering a company to obtain the limited liability, but at present we are still some way off selling to the public.

On the other hand, it is probably very important that we trademark our product name(s) asap. I think it is very likely that we will be going with "Bluetongue Blocks", so we should look into how to register that as a trademark. We should also look into requirements for secondary trademarks, e.g. "Bluetongue Power Block", "Bluetongue Temperature Block", "Bluetongue Light Block", etc.

I know a couple of trademark lawyers if we get stuck on any questions - Rebecca Stalenberg, and of course Ben Cameron.

De-Pa commented 10 years ago

I'm sick with man flu, so I'm not thinking straight. (Thanks Indie perhaps :) ) I'll get back to you when I can think vaguely clearly.

skalpt commented 10 years ago

Tax deductions: Can you claim tax deductions on business-related expenses that you have accumulated before you have formed the business? Or should we wait until after the business is registered to make any big purchases e.g. a 3D printer?

De-Pa commented 10 years ago

I'm pretty sure we have to wait until after the business is registered :( however I could claim it on my tax return as an expense for my business :) How much?

skalpt commented 10 years ago

Not sure yet. Won't make any big purchases yet. Will focus on the first prototype (breadboard solution)