Click somewhere (not on the tree)
( not sure about reproducing )
Atom: 1.16.0 x64
Electron: 1.3.13
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Thrown From: hide-tree package 0.0.20
Stack Trace
Uncaught TypeError: this.treeView.width is not a function
At C:\Users\codelight\.atom\packages\hide-tree\lib\
TypeError: this.treeView.width is not a function
at HideTreeView.module.exports.HideTreeView.openTree (/packages/hide-tree/lib/
at /packages/hide-tree/lib/
at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (/packages/hide-tree/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js:4435:9)
at HTMLDivElement.elemData.handle (/packages/hide-tree/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js:4121:28)
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
Atom: 1.16.0 x64 Electron: 1.3.13 OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Thrown From: hide-tree package 0.0.20
Stack Trace
Uncaught TypeError: this.treeView.width is not a function
Non-Core Packages