skandasoft / open-in-browsers

Open in Different Browsers - IE/Chrome/Firefox/Opera/BrowserPlus
MIT License
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Any way to change default browser from Chrome? #16

Closed JustGleb closed 8 years ago

JustGleb commented 8 years ago

Thanks for a great package, but I struggle to find any way to make files open in ChromePortable (which is really Yandex Browser) by default. Now when I start Atom, the first attempt to use the package results in opening Google Chrome, even though it isn't even my default browser, and only after I manually open anything in ChromePortable, next links will open in it as well. I tried to deselect Chrome in settings, remove it from the list of browsers, and so on, but to no avail. Is there even a way to fix/change this?

P.S. I use Windows 10, if it matters.

skandasoft commented 8 years ago

You can maintain in Settings. You can select from drop down

skandasoft commented 8 years ago

closing...assuming issue fixed with latest patch..feel free to reopen