skandasoft / open-in-browsers

Open in Different Browsers - IE/Chrome/Firefox/Opera/BrowserPlus
MIT License
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Open in Edge is not working properly #22

Closed malozaibi closed 7 years ago

malozaibi commented 8 years ago

Hello, I like you package. After I enabled edge option in the setting, I tried it and it didn't work as expected. When I click the icon or right click then open in Edge, it opens Edge but with a white page! Is not even the default blank page that gives you the ability to search and so on. No, It looks like this

I hope to fix this soon :)

skandasoft commented 8 years ago

can you try opening the file and from the status bar click on the edge icon..btw what is the command you use for opening file in edge

malozaibi commented 8 years ago

It won't open even from the status bar. I didn't add any command. I just activated the option in the package setting. I found this code in the package / lib /

          cmd: 'start microsoft-edge:'

Notice: I updated to the latest version of the package and the problem still present

NFiorentini commented 8 years ago

I'm experiencing the same problem as malozaibi.

sednagame commented 7 years ago

same here.

skandasoft commented 7 years ago

file protocol not recognized by Microsoft-edge. Once it is supported this package would work from edge