skandasoft / open-in-browsers

Open in Different Browsers - IE/Chrome/Firefox/Opera/BrowserPlus
MIT License
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Latest release seems to break keybindings #41

Closed pdxwolfy closed 7 years ago

pdxwolfy commented 7 years ago

I have a custom keybinding for open-in-browsers that I've been using successfully for some time now (months, at least, nearly every day).

  'cmd-alt-o':            'open-in-browsers:chrome'

The Keybinding resolver shows that it is successfully being seen by Atom, but Open in Browsers doesn't open the file; I can, however, open the file by running "Open in Browsers: Chrome" from the package manager.

The misbehavior started today, sometime after the release of open-in-browers 0.0.28.

I am running Atom 1.17.2 under mac OS 10.12.5

pdxwolfy commented 7 years ago

Disregard, I think.